The most striking features of the Harappan civilization was its town planning. There was an uniformity in the layout of the towns. Almost all measures sites (Harappan, Mohenjodaro, kalibangan and others) are divided into two parts: citadels and the lower parts. The Citadels are situated in the Western parts, small in areas and have high altitudes which protects them from floods and other natural disasters. The Citadels consist of the centre of administration and specific buildings, where as the Lower towns are at the East direction, buildings are made for common people are found. The other important feature of the town planning was its streets. The streets intersect at right angles in a criss-cross pattern. It divides the city in a several residential blocks, the main street is connected with the narrow lanes. The doors of the houses opened in the lanes and not the main streets. The third and important feature of the town planning is the structure of the houses. Generally, b...