e-waste and it's management. E-waste and management|way forward Electrical and electronic equipment have become an essential part of our everyday life. Its availability and widespread use has enabled much of the global population to benefit from a higher standard of living. However the way we produce, consume and dispose of e waste is unsustainable. e waste contain savere toxic hazardous substances such as Mercury, brominated flame, CFC, hcfc. The increasing level of low collection rate and non environmentally sound disposal and treatment of e-waste pose a significant risk on the environment as well as on humans. Proper management of e-waste also contributes to global warming according to the global e waste monitor 2020 report. In 2019, 53.6 million metric tons of e waste was generated globally. Global per capita e-waste was 7.3 kg in 2019. Asia generated the highest quantity of 24.9 million metric ton e-waste. E-waste in Europe was highest at 16.2 ...