The age of Industrialisation | ncert class 10 | cbse | PDF | FREE DOWNLOAD NOTES The phase in which production of handmade goods declined and technology increased is called Industrial Revolution. - Agrarian society transformed to Industrial revolution. - It was a period from 1760 to 1840 - Industrial Phase. Topics to be covered. 1. introduction 2. Before the Industrial Revolution 3. Hand Labour 4. Industialisation in the colonies. 5. Factories in India 6. The Pecularities of Indusrial Growth. 7. Market for goods. Before the Industrial Revolution. - Before Industrialisation, there was a large scale industrial productin for international market. - These products were not produced in factories before Industrial revolution. - Handmade producers and merchants produced these things. - Controlled by merchants. - Proto - Industrialisation is the phase before industrialisation. In 17th and 18th Century. - populatin rise. -...